Flight of the Conchords

This week, we're getting to know your BFF Liza better by hearing about her love of the TV Show Flight of the Conchords! Guess what? Andrew likes it, too! They both picked an episode to watch so listen to them chat about their fave episodes! Then, they both pick their top 3 Flight of the Conchords songs! And finally, a "Surprise Prize"!

Ben's Mixtape

Your BFFs are back! And this time, you'll get to know a friend of ours along with us! We are joined by artist BEN HORAK as he shares with us some songs he loved in high school! We'll get to know why he loves them and learn a cool nickname he had for Eminem. Then, Liza and Ben play a round of "Is This Green Day?", a new Surprise Prize and a new edition of "Can You Spotify Me, Bro?"

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